Mēs visas taču zinām, kā tas ir, kad reizi mēnesī mēs jūtamies ne savā ādā – kārojas daudz šokolādes, vēders piepūties un džinsi šķiet nedaudz ciešāki, nekā ierasts.

Jā, šādi jūtamies mēs visas, un šo kaitinošo vēdera piepūšanos izjūt teju visas, pat tās, kuras ikdienā ir ārkārtīgi slaidas un aktīvi nodarbojas ar sportu, un blogere Malina Olofsone ir gatava to pierādīt.

——————————————– Some of you have seen this before. Some of you haven’t. Some of you experience and go through this yourself once a month. Some of you will be disgusted. Some of you will sigh with relief and think -Omg I’m not alone. Some of you will not read this caption and presume that I’m pregnant. ——————————————– This is the visual signs of PMS for me and many other women. For some it’s less extreme, for some it’s more. Water retention is a very normal and common symptom of PMS. Some women will hardly notice it and some go through immense discomfort for a couple of days a month. It can start anytime between ovulation and your period. ——————————————– THIS 👏🏽 IS 👏🏽 NORMAL. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Yes – it is very uncomfortable, and yes – it is really difficult to not feel like you must hide it and try to suck your stomach in. I’ve stopped. I’ve decided that breathing is more important than what other people may or might think. I’ve decided that my body’s reaction to the hormonal change is not going to be an aspect that I let contribute to my already unstable mental state. Because when I have PMS, I already feel like dying. And I’ve decided to love my body no matter how I feel about life. ——————————————– Do not blame your body for how you’re feeling. It is never your body’s fault. It is never anything wrong with how your body looks. Yes – your body might experience discomfort due to hormonal changes – so instead of making it worse through shaming your body, try doing the opposite. Realize that this is when you need extra self-care and self-love. Realize that you don’t have to be ashamed and hide. You are perfect and your body is just doing it’s job.

A post shared by MALIN 🌱 (@malinxolofsson) on

Hey guys, let’s be real for a moment. No, I’m not pregnant, and no, this is not a food-baby ❌ This is how pms looks like for me, and many other women. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It is simply water retention and yes, it is really uncomfortable. But you know what makes it even more uncomfortable? -walking around hating your body because of it. There are already a lot of hormones effecting your mental state in quite a difficult matter, and during this period many of us need some extra self-care and gentleness. Trying to fight your physical body and how it appears during this time will not be a good idea since you’re already more sensitive to physical neglect and self-loathing. It is really important that you learn to love yourself no matter how your body looks/how you perceive it – ’cause your body’s shape/size/form will not be a constant factor. And this is what I look like for at least one week a month. And that is many weeks in a lifetime. So, I wanted to show you this – to show you that it is ok, that no one looks like the pictures they post on instagram at all times. We choose to show others what we are proud of – but I think it is important to be proud of the totality of you – to learn to be proud of you, no matter what your body looks like. Thanks for your support, love you guys 💕

A post shared by MALIN 🌱 (@malinxolofsson) on

Malina ir fitnesa blogere un īsta čempione, jo vēl pirms neilga laika viņai bija ēšanas traucējumi, taču tagad viņa ir skaista, laimīga un svarīgākais – vesela.

Galvenokārt viņas Instagram profilu veido viņas fotogrāfijas, kurās viņa atrāda savu skaisto, trenēto augumu, taču viņa ir arī no tām meitenēm, kura nekaunas no sava ķermeņa un ir gatava to parādīt tādu, kāds tas ir. Viņa uzdrīkstas visiem saviem sekotājiem parādīt to, kā patiesībā izskatās viņas ķermenis ne tikai pēc tam, kad viņa ir nobaudījusi ēdienu, bet arī laikā, kad viņai ir mēnešreizes.

Viņa atļaujas savā Instagram publicēt atklātas un patiesas fotogrāfijas, kur vienā (publicēta 17. februārī) viņa redzama ar skaistu, trenētu vēderu, bet blakus salīdzinājumam ir foto, kur viņai ir visai paliels vēderiņš. Un, nē, viņa nav nedz stāvoklī, nedz pieēdusies – šādi izskatās viņas vēders menstruāciju laikā. Tas ir piepūties, un viņa lepni raksta: “Tas viss ir normāli. Atcerieties, uzņemot fotogrāfijas, viss ir atkarīgs tikai no rakursa un gaismas. Atcerieties, ka fotogrāfijas neatspoguļo visu reālo dzīvi, tikai mazu daļiņu no tās. Tas  ir pavisam normāli, ja laiku pa laikam uzpūšas vēders. Tas ir normāli!”

Pirms neilga laika, 10.  martā, viņa atkal publicēja līdzīgu foto, motivējot meitenes saprast, ka tas viss ir normāli un no tā nav jākaunas.

Jāteic, arvien vairāk fitnesa blogeres savos sociālo tīklu kontos uzsver to, kā mūsu ķermeni izskatās ikdienā, kad necenšamies tos iemūžināt pēc iespējas labākā gaismā, pozā vai vidē. Mēs novērtējam šo patiesumu!


Fitnesa blogere un eksperte Anna Viktorija

Saistītās tēmas: finesa blogereFitnessMalin Olofsson

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